The Meeting menu appears in the Leader console menu. The Meeting menu includes:
Invite Participants: Enables you to invite participants to a web conference that is in progress.
View Participant Approval: Displays the participant approvals list. From here, you can authorize participants waiting to join the meeting.
Preferences: Allows direct access to the Share, Video, Audio, Playback or Recorder preferences.
Polling: Enables you to survey participants and record their responses.
Lock Meeting: Enables you to lock an audio and web conference (including video) that is in progress.
Clear Chat History: Clears the chat history displayed when participants chat during the web conference.
File Transfer...: Enables you to transfer files to participants in the conference.
Document Manager...: Enables you to transfer files to the MiCollab Audio, Web and Video Conferencing server and share them with participants.
Exit Meeting: Enables you to leave the web conference in which you are participating.
End Meeting: Enables you to end the meeting by forcing out all the participants from the meeting including the leader.